28 May, 2024
Gold Glassie for Michelle
Michelle McNeil from Max 24 Hour Wamuran has taken out the Gold Glassie for Employee of the Year at this week’s.

Organised and hosted by Member for Glass House, Andrew Powell MP, businesses from across the Glass House electorate came together to recognise the top small business operates and staff across the electorate at the Mooloolah Valley Country Club.
The Moreton Bay winners were:
Bronze Business: Wamuran Country Meats
Silver Business: Grind & Graze
Bronze Employee: Tammy Cochran from Peries IGA Woodford
Silver Employee: Taylor Bloomfield from Grind & Graze.
Gold Employee: Michelle McNeill.
“The gold employee nomination was set in stone as soon as we read Michelle’s nomination,” Mr Powell said.
“Her nomination spoke of the way she has given her heart and soul to the community of Wamuran for the past 13 years in her role at the Max 24 Hour Gym whilst also running the Moreton Healthy and Active Program.”
With an already full work plate, Michelle has also been dealing with a daughter fighting cancer, a son with high functioning Aspergers, another son with pretty recurrent epilepsy and is actively involved with her six-year-old grandson and triplet two-and-a-half-year-old granddaughters.
“Small businesses play a crucial role in creating vibrant and resilient communities, especially in Glass House where we don’t have any large shopping centres,” Mr Powell said.
“They contribute to the unique character and charm of our neighbourhoods, making them attractive to tourists which, as we all know, is so important to a community’s local economy.”
The gala event is the culmination of two months of nominations and voting to celebrate small business in the region.